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Old Mar 30, 2007, 07:24 PM // 19:24   #1
Wilds Pathfinder
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Default GW 2 and the level cap

Aight, my biggest problem with GW2 is that the gameplay and style will completely change if the cap is at 100 or limitless. Like a lot of skills in GW, they become more effective by their duration when you put in attribute points (ex: stances and snares). Now you can't have skills function that way in GW2 because the duration would just last forever unless you base it on a crappy skill system where you put several skill points into skills to make it better and the skills have a level cap. Also the main problem is the grind issues. People will have to keep leveling to stay competitive with others which is completely what GW was against. The system was based on skill and teamwork, not hours played. I dont want to be in these huge massive battles and see some invincible lvl 100 dude killing a bunch of lvl 50s. It would even be worse if there was no cap limit because then you would feel like you would never be as good as the guys who play 24/7 and you can't create a 2nd character and still stay competitve.

So what do u guys think

Gives PvE something to work for
Lets people show off how long they have been playing
May attract more players
Ability to "pwn" lower lvl mbos - (Mordakai)
Gives people something to "do"
Possible side-kick system

Gameplay/skill use change
Less skill more grind
Not for a casual player
Creating a 2nd character may make you less competetive with your 1st guy
Limitless cap would completely unbalance the game and make it unfair for others
High lvl mobs/increased gold drops could hurt economy - (Scorpian boy)
People who play less will feel at a disadvantage against higher lvl people who play much more

BTW: We don't exactly know what ANet will do, this is just to discuss the idea that they are planning on a lvl 100/limitless cap

Last edited by Sniper22; May 03, 2007 at 07:44 PM // 19:44..
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 07:38 PM // 19:38   #2
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LOL! "Pros: To be listed." Come one. You can't think of a single Pro?

Let me help you out: (and believe me, I'm playing Devil's Advocate here. I'm not a big believer in the "no or higher level cap" idea)


Gives PvE something to work for. (Remember, this only effects PvE, so it's not going to imbalance serious PvP. And no, I don't consider the World vs World "PvP" serious, it's for fun, and everyone joining such a slaughterfest would recognize that.)

Recognition for playing longer.

The ability to "pwn" lower level creatures (yeah, this is a weak reason, but I'm all for pleasing everybody)


Saying that, I hope that there is SOME balance. It should be possible to kill a higher level char, and it should never be impossible to join a group (hopefully, the sidekick idea will help here).

The bottom line is, I don't care about lack of henchies, level-cap, new races, new armor and weapons... as much as I care about one thing: Is it Fun.

That's all that matters. I trust Anet, they know that casual players make up the majority, they know people like creating lots of characters (esp. with the introduction of races!), and we don't want to be forced to only play one character to "stay competitive."

So, as long as the new level cap keeps the game fun, who am I to complain? More power to those who have the time to get to level 100. If it's super hard to do, there won't be many of them, and it won't be an issue. If it's not too hard... it won't be an issue. So, I'm taking a "wait and see" attitude.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 07:59 PM // 19:59   #3
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About the level cap:

With no level cap the PvE'ers would've more to work on, besides the titles we've got now ofcourse. If there's no level cap Anet will obviously sell more copies of the game because of them WoW geeks will come to GW (I don't know if that's something to be proud of, but hey $$$ ). But when the level cap will be higher...The skills must be adjusted also, wich will automaticly lead to one uber-skill for each profesion and that would suck IMO.
And if there are higher level players, there will be higher level mobs, wich will drop higher amounts of money. That would also ruin the econemy system in GW. This were just some of my thoughts about the stuff they might put in GW2.

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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:02 PM // 20:02   #4
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If the time to gain a level is equal or very close to what we have now in GW then I will have no problem with it. I do not want to spend several months grinding away just to get to the good areas. One thing I really despised about other MMOs. For instance. In Everquest you would have to spend hours in Dreadlands just to gain a level by killing the same mobs over and over again. That was extremely boring.
Something else I would not like to see is a higher level character having a far superior advantage over a lower level character. For those that have watched the South Park episode about WoW you know what I mean. I used to play Lineage2 a few years ago. Seeing someone 10 levels higher than you are and totally getting owned by that player was a total letdown. You stood absolutely no chance at all. I do not want to see that at all in GW2. Player skill rather than character level is what I want to see.
As long as the high level cap is done well I will not have any problems with it.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:06 PM // 20:06   #5
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heres the thing... level cap without the level cap

ie: you stop getting attribute points after a certain level.
But that doesnt mean your level will not increase. Sure im a level 4000 chara but shit... my attributes are the same as a level 20

Something to think about eh.
Easy solution to those who feel being pwned by higher level people.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:08 PM // 20:08   #6
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Seeing as how Anet has broken the mould with pretty much every approach to GW when compared to other online games, I think it would be best to wait for further information on how this high or no level cap will be implemented before spouting all the doom and gloom.

It may be something as harmless as your levels keep increasing after level 20, but 20 is the max point of attributes rewards. Kind of like each time you cyxcle a skill point, your level indicator would increase.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:10 PM // 20:10   #7
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Originally Posted by sdliddo
heres the thing... level cap without the level cap

ie: you stop getting attribute points after a certain level.
But that doesnt mean your level will not increase. Sure im a level 4000 chara but shit... my attributes are the same as a level 20

Something to think about eh.
Easy solution to those who feel being pwned by higher level people.
This obviously isn't the case though. If it were, there'd be no reason for the CoH style sidekick feature they're implementing. So whatever the cap is, it will be considerably high and wont just be for appearances. Well I suppose you might not get more att points, but your health at the very least will still go up.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:12 PM // 20:12   #8
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Just because its level 100 doesn't mean its any different than a level 20 with more progression values. The game is balanced differently, it won't use the same skills, so what does it matter if you can put 73 in swordsmanship. Look in perspective, does it really matter. As long as there is a level cap (which there should be), it doesn't matter how many progression levels there are (assuming you can still make PvP characters).
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:21 PM // 20:21   #9
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Originally Posted by sdliddo
heres the thing... level cap without the level cap

ie: you stop getting attribute points after a certain level.
But that doesnt mean your level will not increase. Sure im a level 4000 chara but shit... my attributes are the same as a level 20

Something to think about eh.
Easy solution to those who feel being pwned by higher level people.
you will continue to build a stronger character with every level up.

in case you missed it the GW1 low level cap does not exist in the completely new game called GW2

the need for a *strong sidekicking system* proves that levels are not cosmetic as many wish.

from the interview.

We will have a sidekicking system similar to what City of Heroes has, where if you're going out with a level 50 friend, and you're only level 15, then he can increase your power to be the same as his power.
as for the hopes of fast leveling to reach the yop fast way.

they are designing this new game with meat on its bones so you cant blow through it fast then say *what is there to do?*

Arena Net, it seems, is trying to tackle many of the biggest drawbacks most current massively multiplayer online games face. Chief among them is level capping. Why, once you top out, should you stick around in a game?
Guild Wars 2 is trying to deal with that issue by using a system with a high level cap once that could be set to 100 or even boundless.
"So there is not a level 20 cap," Strain said. "Either it will be a high level like 100 or unbounded, we haven't decided."
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:26 PM // 20:26   #10
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simple answer, huge lvl cap will be mostly aesthetic, once you reach say lvl 30, after that level the gains per level will be severely diminished.. atleast this is the way I see it may happen.. But hey, if ya dun like it you still have GW1.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:34 PM // 20:34   #11
Wilds Pathfinder
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See the thing is, there should be more fun things to do in a game besides grinding for levels, like missions, quests, and elite areas. If there was nothing to do after you hit the cap, GW would have died out a long time ago. I know they are trying to attract new players, but maybe like a lvl 60 cap would do it or so.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:39 PM // 20:39   #12
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Blast from the Past folks!

NOTE: This discussion started during the BETA of the original Guild Wars.

I'm gonna be mean to Loviatar:

Originally Posted by Loviatar
there will be no raising of the cap period

this is about skll not how many levels you grind out to be better than someone
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:48 PM // 20:48   #13
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Hey you cant take Lovi out of context, this GW2, he was talking about GW1
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 08:50 PM // 20:50   #14
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Originally Posted by Mordakai
Blast from the Past folks!

I'm gonna be mean to Loviatar:
<waves white flag in surrender while looking for nearest window which is 10 stories up but over the pool>

<sticks out tongue while diving to safety and remembers MAXWELLSMARTS famous words at the last moment>(missed it by that much)

@ Kijik Oni Hanryuu

again you forget the article


allow players of different levels to keep interacting in the persistant world-which is crucial, since as of right now, ArenaNet is planning a very high (100-plus), or possibly no level cap.
there are also plans for a strong sidekicking system similar to City of Heroes, which allows a higher-level player to designate a player 10 or more levels below him as his sidekick, bestowing health, stamina, and other benefits that allow the lower-level player to sufficiently keep up with their higher level buddy.
that is not for looks only
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 09:07 PM // 21:07   #15
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You forgot 2 most important contra level arguments:

* Levels decrease amount of content
* Levels cause level discrimination
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 09:13 PM // 21:13   #16
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I dont care,I rather have no lvl cap.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 09:22 PM // 21:22   #17
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Even if there's no level cap for PvP, the "side-kick" system would still balace the game out.

So no worries
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 09:27 PM // 21:27   #18
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We have absolutely no idea what increases in levels will be beyond the PvP level cap, so it's hard to describe pros and cons to it.

For example, what if they froze attribute points, and simply gave you 1 extra point of health for every level beyond 20? Not that much difference between a level 100 and a level 20, eh?
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 09:29 PM // 21:29   #19
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Originally Posted by Jetdoc
We have absolutely no idea what increases in levels will be beyond the PvP level cap, so it's hard to describe pros and cons to it.

For example, what if they froze attribute points, and simply gave you 1 extra point of health for every level beyond 20? Not that much difference between a level 100 and a level 20, eh?
That wont be the case. Again, if the only difference between a lvl 20 and a lvl 40 was 20 extra health- we wouldn't have need of the sidekick system they're implementing.
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Old Mar 30, 2007, 10:32 PM // 22:32   #20
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Originally Posted by Sniper22
Not for a casual player
Ok,that thing worries me alot!
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